Sorry it's been so long since I've posted! I'm back at school and loving it! Also freaking out with the fact that I'm graduating after this semester and realizing that I have to grow up! DANG IT!! Oh well, think of the positive side of it, I can start making money!!!
So yeah anyway, school has been a lot of fun though. I've realized that I need to take advantage of every second I have up here. Each day has felt more like a blessing to me this semester. So this weekend my great friend Dan Bennett came up and we went to the sand dunes and St. Anthony with my roommates. Here are some pictures from it.

This is Dan, Me and my roommate Kaylie before we went out to the Sand Dunes Saturday Night.

This is us at the Sand Dunes bored and feeling a bit awkward.

So we also had fun at the downtown part in St. Anthony.
This weekend really made me look at all the amazing blessings God has given me, especially friends. I was able to be with a friend that I have known for over 5 years and also be with friends I have known for only a few weeks or a few months.