So maybe I'm not one of those people that update their blogs very often. Due to the fact that my life, really isn't that exciting. I hear great stories from my married old roommates and think wow they have more interesting things to say than I do probably because they can talk about their other half which I don't really have one so I guess I have to just deal with the fact that this blog is all about me! I should be okay with that right?
So a little update. I'm still in Bountiful Utah with a job I really don't enjoy and still dreaming of moving to the east coast. I actually have a job interview in DC area next week so I'm going to take a little trip out there Monday through Wednesday. I'm searching for more companies to interview me to in the area while I'm there. I also found a girl that told me I could go to institute with her out there which should be another adventure within its self. I'm a bit scared because I have three days to myself in a huge city, but again it should be an adventure.
Along with my job hunting, I went to Hawaii a little less than a month ago which was AMAZING! It was spur of the moment. I went to Maui with my mom, 2 aunts and grandma. It was really relaxing and just beautiful. We stayed in a Marriott right on the ocean. Each morning i got up and went walking on the beach. I also met up with a guy I work with and some of his friends for a few days and went snorkeling and just played around. So it was perfect! The only I wish I had was a husband to go with me!
One of my high school best friends is getting married in April. Actually she's my x-fiance's cousin as well. She asked me to do her photography. I kind of had a nervous breakdown when I said yes. I'm doing her slide show, engagement pics and wedding pics. It's stressing me out more than it should. It doesn't help that they got engaged at the beginning of March and are getting married April 25 too. Way short engagement.
So I took their engagements this past week and I'm going to post some of the pics up. Let me know what you think!