So I have come to the conclusion that I am not one of those "Blogging Talented Individuals". I don't know if it's a gift that is bestowed on wives or mothers and if it is, I'm excited to get it when I become a wife or a mother, but for the time-being I guess you all are going to have to put up with my laziness and procrastination when it comes to updating my blog.
So much has happened since I last posted even though it has only been a few months. This summer has been CRAZY! So much has happened. I have been enjoying the sun A LOT!. . . I moved to DC to get away from the snow of Utah and Idaho and well I think it followed me this past winter and decided take all the snow in my college years and put it all in a few very LARGE snowstorms and dump it on me. So the sun is a HUGE blessing. . the humidity though. . not so much.
I've been enjoying bike rides into downtown DC and Arlington Cemetery, parties including my roommate Christina's birthday, The Summer Soiree Party (everyone wore Khaki and white and it was outdoors with a southern feeling which was soo great!); my sister's wedding back in Utah in May, National's baseball games, a very wet Brad Paisley Concert, Duck Beach down in the Outer Banks, North Carolina (details to come. . ), A White Trash Maryland Demolition Derby, a few trips to Annapolis Maryland (Navy men in uniform. . can I say. . HOT?! and of course crab eating!), and of course the classic river tubing in Fredricksburg Virginia.
So yes I have kept myself busy and just for your enjoyment below are pictures to support my fun summer (don't worry I'll show you proof!)
Biking to Arlington Cemetery with Adam Nilsen.
After our bike ride it was SOO HOT and so we found a fountain on our way home and stuck our feet in :)
So there seems to be a tradition in our home that we throw huge parties. I guess we have a pretty great party house or something. . But my roommate threw a Cinco De Mayo Party that ended up being pretty great!

Christina's Birthday Party. My great roommates and me. Yes we're pretty excited!
Gabriella Christino (My friend from Sao Paulo Brazil), Shannon my roommate and me at Christina's birthday party.
Back on May 15th my little sister Taryn got married to Casen Eldredge. Steller guy that one. So I flew out for a little less than a week and wow what an experience. I was reminded how single I was ha ha. Don't get me wrong I was SO happy that my sister was getting married and she couldn't have married anyone more perfect for her, but as the older sister it was a bit hard to think about not being married, especially when you got the question, "so why aren't you married yet" asked a lot through out the trip.
My conclusion: I plan and dream to be married one day, but the Lord has blessed me more than I ever good have imagined with the opportunity to move out to the east coast and find myself. I'm guessing I had to find myself before I could find my other half and I'm completely okay with that.
Another conclusion: That Utah trip made me realize how much I miss my family and how blessed I am to have the family that I do have. That is the #1 bummer about living across the country.
I had no idea how stressful being the Maid of Honor is. I took care of all the bridesmaids updo's, I did my mother's make up. . . I had to make signs, take care of dresses, made the bride's jewelry. . oh and we can't forget the toast! The Best Man, Casen's brother Colton wanted to sing a duet as our toasts to the bride and groom.. oh oh and we put it together the day of the wedding. . but honestly it was ALL worth it. Heck Taryn is my only sister.
Pictures were taking at the ring ceremony at The Eldredge Manor in Bountiful.
(Pictures taken by Jill Farnsworth my cousin)
Trip to Liberty Park in Salt Lake with the family.
A few days after I got back from Utah a big group of friends got together and went to the National's game. Fireworks after the game.
Adam Nilsen, Me & Shannon
Brad Paisley anyone? One of my favorite entertainers. I have been to his concert twice now. So it rained majorly before the show started so by the time it did start we were all soaking wet, but hey "It's all about the experience" right? So this guy in our group showed up (I hadn't met him yet but he was good friends with my roommate) Colton showed up and I thought he was Brad Paisley. As you see below there is a huge resemblance! There were girls coming up asking for pictures with him. . pretty great! ha ha
Shandi Hill, Colton, Me
Shandi Hill, Me (and my messed up hat) & Rachel Johnson
When we arrived, before we got soaking wet!
Kyle Hines, Shandi Hill, Rachel Johnson & me
Before and After: A bit wet. . This was most of the group that was with us.

So Duck Beach was the next event. I don't know how many of you have heard the rumors and secrets of Duck Beach. But it's been going on for years now. Memorial Day Weekend Young Single Adults from New York, DC, Boston, Philly, Florida, Virgina, Vegas, Utah, California and more. . get together and rent out HUGE Beach houses and party all weekend long. It is a HUGE deal out here. I went and stayed in a house with a lot of my close friends and what a blast! There were parties, great dinners and can't forget the BEACH! Saturday we hung on the beach all day and also had a Sand Volleyball Tournament which of course I participated in. Pictures don't even give it justice, but I will still share :)
Ha ha first night: I was pretty excited, I mean who wouldn't be! I was surrounded by some of my closest friends and of course um.. all guys!
Darren Haycock, Casey Van Camp, Zack Winters, Jeff Muniz & Me
Carl Dempsey, Me & Will Perry
The day I had to leave. . sad day. . but I got to hang out for a bit at the pool before heading out.
Jen Brooks, Me, Matt LeFrance, Erik Hayes
Demolition Derby- Can I say white trash? But boy did I love it!
Trip to Annapolis Maryland with Travis, Rich, Melissa, Will & Heather. One of the classics of Maryland is eating crab here. So we had a triple date out to Annapolis and ate crab!
Wow I think that was the longest post I have ever done and the funny thing. . I don't even know if anyone is going to read it ha ha!
So this is just the beginning of an incredible summer! A few more things that are happening with me:
Since February I have been working at a Wyndham Timeshare Resort in the National Harbor. I put my 2 weeks notice in a week ago and will be taking a huge step of faith! My friend Matt Fischer has a start up advertising agency and hired me as his Executive Project Manager. I will be starting July 1st with him. This is my dream job. Funny thing is that I wasn't expecting it for a few years and was hoping for a bit more experience under my belt; however, I think this is where my dreams will start coming true. . with a lot of work, faith and prayers.
I also have 2 more trips planned for the summer:
1. A trip to Ohio with a group of friends to go to a Cleveland's baseball game and go to Cedar Point-one of the top amusement parks in the world.
2. I get the wonderful opportunity to go to Haiti the first week of August! I don't know if any of you know about this trip. I'm going with a group called, "Foundation for Children in Need". My friend Carl Dempsey introduced me to the group. He has gone down with them a few times especially after the earthquake. They go to orphanages and help the children. This is one of my biggest dreams! I've been slowly trying to get donations to help me get out there. If any of you want to help me out you can go to the following website:
There is a drop down menu with volunteer names. Click on mine and you can donate through paypal. Since I am leaving my "steady" job and going to be working with a start up, money has been pretty tight but I believe all will work out!