Don't well all wish that life was easy? It's hard to imagine sometimes that trials in our lives are the things that make us grown and strengthen us. This song was passed by to me and has great meaning to it.
Lyrics to the song "The Test" by Janice Kapp Perry
~Tell me friend, I see your trials,Why doesn't He who worked the miracles send solace to his child?
Tell me friend, if you understand,Why doesn't He with pow'r to raise the dead just make you whole again?
It would be so easy for Him. I watch you and in sorrow question why?
Then you, my friend, in perfect faith reply:
Didn't He say He sent us to be tested? Didn't He say the way would not be sure? But didn't He say we could live with Him forevermore, well and whole if we but patiently endure?
After the trial we will be blessed, but this life is the test.
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2 weeks ago
i love this song! it is hard to remember that trials are there to make us stronger. good post! i forgot about this song! I totally found your blog today and most likely looked at all your posts. It totally reminds me of Tuscany days.
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