Sunday, January 11, 2009

Okay so back in September I went to Oregon with my mom, brother and aunt to go to my cousin's wedding. We were able to go back in time and go to Sherwood. Now Vanessa if you check this ask Merrick about the mailboxes. There are two different sets. One picture is of our old mailboxes but there are other ones, ask Merrick about what happened to those poor mailboxes.


vanessa said...

I believe I've heard the story before - something to do with him trying to change a CD or something on the way to seminary and hitting the mailboxes? :)

vanessa said...

PS- Thanks for posting these. I've always wanted to see pics of Sherwood. Maybe someday we'll get back there so we can show each other where we grew up.

amber said...

you are taking some gorgeous pictures babe!