Last night I took the coolest tour of DC. My friend John Water has lived here for about 2 years and so he took me on a bike ride around the city and it was beautiful! We were there during sunset so I got some pretty cool pictures. Although it was on my point and shoot camera (which doesn't have the best quality) I was able to get some cool shots just for all of you!
This is a block that is made out of pebbles. Really annoying to drive on but it definetly makes you feel like you're living back in the olden days.
So anyway she told us about these houses that were built back in the day called "The Spite Houses". Basically people would pull their wagons inbetween the houses and would make indents in the bricks. So the owner of one of the houses decided to spite everyone and build a house 7 feet wide ha ha! So we had to go check it out.