Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bee's Game

So last night I didn't do the usual... sitting around watching the Olympics with my family or reading my book (Breaking Dawn the last Twilight book or last weeks book Harry Potter 5), I went to the BEE'S GAME! The Bee's are Salt Lake's minor league baseball team. My friend Brendan Hamill had tickets and so a big group of people went. I met Brendan's old FHE sister from BYUI and let's just say we hit it off! I found a new friend! She is awesome. It was great to be able to get out with other people my age and do something fun. I'm use to just hanging out with a 2 month old little girl all day, reading my book and watching tv at home after work. Here are some pictures from last night. Oh and by the way the Bee's did win by one run in the end of the ninth inning.

And yes, I know I am a huge cheese ball in these pictures.


the h fam. said...

hey!! glad you have a blog! i do too!! so did you graduate last semester? how's utah treatin ya?

Zack said...

Welcome to the world of blogging lol! Our blog is if you want to check it out!

amber said...

hey lins....i found your blog! :) check ours

vanessa said...

Sweet blog! I'm excited to stay up to date on "how boring and uneventful" your totally unboring and eventful life is!