So it's very obvious that I love summer but after dealing with the horrible humid heat of the east coast, I'm ready for FALL!!!! So I changed up the blog for fall.
I'm also excited because I get to go to New York City on Friday. I met some people that live up there too so I get free housing! :) We'll see how cheap I can make the trip but the good thing is that I won't have to worry about seeing everything since I'm only 4 1/2 hours away I can go back up whenever. This weekend is also September 11th so there will be some cool stuff going on. I'm planning on having a pretty laid back trip. Ground zero stuff, renting a bike and riding around Central Park and across the Brooklyn Bridge and if it's still going on, go to the US Open. I'll keep you updated on what I end up doing.
Here is a summary of the last month in pictures.
My birthday was on the 12th of August and I had a big party at my place. I probably had 20+ people show up, which was pretty great since I had only been in the area for a month and a half. I have to admit the only thing I really wanted for my birthday was to be around friends. Moving to a new place can be scary but I have to admit I have made so many great and incredible friends! The only thing that could have made my birthday better would have been having my family here. But a woman can't get everything she wants now can she!

We had a pretty good display of food which I have to thank Jocelyn. I went and bought it but she displayed it very well :) I was worried we wouldn't have enough but we were okay in the end.

Ha ha this was the best! My friend John gave me a gorilla for my birthday! Definitely one of those presents I won't forget.

So this was a very awkward moment. I had people surrounding me and of course all the attention was on me and the singing and staring was making me nervous!

This is my roommate Jocelyn. Love her to death. She made me a homemade cheesecake for my birthday.

Eli, Adam and Jamie drove 1 hour and 20 minutes to come to my party! So I thought they deserved to be on my blog. Props to them! Thanks for the support!
The weekend after my birthday a group of friends and I went to Ocean City Maryland. It's this stretch of an island with a bunch of hotels and a beach with a boardwalk and pier with carnival games and such on it. It was so much fun!

Dani my roommate and me right when we showed up at the beach.

This is Jeff and me on the beach.

Roger, me, Lucy and Jeff

Whole Group: Roger, Lucy, Me, Jeff, Dani and Erik

Lucy and me

Dani and me after dinner. Let's just say she can pull off the ocean water hair better than I can.

Here's the whole group: Me, Erik, Dani, Jeff, Roger and Lucy

Walking on the boardwalk. I felt like I was in a movie! Seriously it was so pretty with the sun setting.

So when we got to the pier everyone wanted to go on the ferris wheel. For those of you who don't know, I'm afraid of heights and for some reason my fear keeps getting worse. I was a little nervous about going but I didn't think it was too tall so I took the chance. Ummm yeah big mistake.

So this was right
BEFORE we started moving. I wish I looked this calm the whole time... uh yeah
AFTER.... Yeah so I huddled up in fetal position and of course Jeff had to freak me out even more. How pathetic am I!
So I think it was the next weekend I went kayaking in Georgetown by the Key Bridge on the Potomac. That was fun and relaxing but it made me realize how out of shape I am.

Lucy and me

The Kennedy Center


Jeff and Lucy

Key Bridge that leads into Georgetown from Rossyln Virgina

Okay the last event! I went downtown with my friend Eli last week and took night pictures of some of the monuments. Funny story.... I went to shoot a pictures from the top of the Jefferson stairs out to the washington monument and the white house and the security guard came up and told me I couldn't take pictures with a tripod. I was like uhh.. its night I have to have a tripod, and he ended up explaining that there are snipers on the top of the white house and if they see a tripod they might shoot me. ha ha I was like ummm okay I don't want to die today.
So for some reason I didn't think to bring my "nice" camera with me. So my crappy point and shoot took these pics. Some of them are pretty nice but they still don't have great quality.