So a little update. . . . My roommates and I threw this HUGE zombie party for Halloween and it was incredible! My roommate Christina and our friend Marcia went crazy with decorations. Our house was turned into a zombie haunted house basically. Here are some pics from the party.

Shannon-Zombie, Christina,-Zombified Jane Austen Character, Becca-Zombified Prom Queen, Me-Zombie Bride

Jelly Hand-Edible can you believe it!? It also had crunchy stuff inside for the bones. People seemed to love this.

Little Dogs as fingers..

Califlower with red food coloring and radish- Kinda cool huh! We were hoping they looked like brains...

This was the best picture of me that night... I couldn't smile in pics because I just looked retarded so I pulled the whole, "I want to kill you" look. I think I did a pretty good job at it.

Me, Shannon, Katie (FYI she made her Alice in Wonderland Costume.. kind of amazing) and some random guy that just met us like a second before the picture and he's already putting the hand on Katie's leg. . hmmm...

This is what happens at 2:oo in the morning . . .

HAHA.. I like it... you are a fabulous zombie bride!
Haha, Linds, you look kind of like Lindsey Lohan in Mean Girls.
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